Effect of Silver Diamine Fluoride on Caries Arrest and Prevention

By Ryan Richard Ruff, PhD1; Tamarinda Barry-Godín, DDS1; Richard Niederman, DMD1 – February 9, 2023

In this randomized clinical trial, silver diamine fluoride with fluoride varnish was noninferior to sealants and atraumatic restorations with fluoride varnish for caries arrest and prevention. Results may support the use of silver diamine fluoride as an arresting and preventive agent in school-based oral health programs.

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JAMA Network Open

Do Millennials Truly Have Worse Oral Health Than Their Parents?

By Brooke Sergent, RDH, BS -February 7, 2023

Countless studies have been performed to corroborate the mouth-to-whole-body connection, giving us the nuggets to understand just how important oral health is. Recent studies have confirmed that one-third of millennials admit to only brushing once per day, and the average millennial has gone over two days without brushing at all.

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